August 29, 2007

One of life's great equalizers: the burrito

It doesn't matter how successful, powerful, well-educated, or wealthy you are.

It's nearly impossible to carry yourself as a dignified, professional adult while trying to eat an overstuffed and poorly wrapped burrito from Chipotle. You just can't.

And this is the time, of course, when every single person in the office stops by. They have questions, and you're just trying to make sure you eat more of your lunch than you wear, and are barely succeeding. You could be the CEO, or King, and for a few minutes you're just some schmuck working way too hard to keep black beans and salsa off of your shirt.

So the next time one of your friends or co-workers gets a little too high on themselves, offer to take them to lunch. Just make sure to go to Chipotle.


Anonymous said...

i went to chipotle for the FIRST time recently. so f'ing good. and you are totally right: such a disaster and completely undignified eating experience!

Jo said...

That's why I eat the burrito bol :-)... that and the fact that I can actually finish a burrito bol.

Brian said...

h - Seriously? Wow. I'm not saying I'm proud to admit this, but I probably eat Chipotle three times a week, on average.

jo - I do the bol occasionally, but I usually go burrito. I'm one of those people who actually enjoys the flavor of the flour tortilla. Plus, if I just eat the bol, I'm hungry in a couple of hours, which can be annoying.

Lemon Gloria said...

Definitely agree. No pretty way to eat it.

Anonymous said...

haha. so true. that's why gordon gecko didn't each lunch.

Anonymous said...

clever idea. i love their burritos. ooer. now i'm craving one. THANKS. :P

Jessica said...

The key...burrito bol. Either way, be sure to have super-powered breath mints for the rest of the day...

jess said...

there was a guy i worked with who could eat 2 chipotle burritos (oes?) in one sitting. i watched him in awe and envy.

now i want guacamole...

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